Filters are not the cure but are usually the first thing that owners try, Filters don’t deal with the problem they just deal with the secondary results of a contaminated fuel tank. Rarely will you get contaminants introduced are the fuel pump so filters are dealing with bad contaminates.

Fill the tank before storing for any period of time. You can also add a stabilizing agent like StayBil. If you remove the air space in the tank then you limit the ability of water to condense out of the trapped air.

Replace fuel lines with ethanol resistant lines. Most fuel line available to you will be resistant but check the particulate manufacturer specifications.

Rebuilt the carburetor with ethanol resistant gasket materials, floats, O rings and float valves.

Remove the fuel tank(s), clean and inspect. We recommend a through cleaning, removing any sediment, followed by an acid wash and an installed tank liner. Tank liner is just a material that is poured in after the acid etching, swished around and then allowed to dry.

These steps will go a long way in making the fuel system dependable. Next to deal with is vapor lock and a step by step will follow for that.

Please contact us for any information on materials and sources

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